
accord with



accord with为短语/超纲词汇

近义词, 同义词

1. The Americans would happily reach one accord on standards for medical devices and then hammer out different pacts covering, say, electronic goods and drug manufacturing.
    美国人很愿意就医疗器械的标准达成一个协议,然后推敲出不同的合同,用以涵盖 -- 比如说 -- 电子产品和药品的生产。

2. His behaviour does not accord with his principles.

3. Many of those expectations were in accord with what I felt. Some were not.

4. We are, in part, admitting that a certain set of circumstances has enabled justice to act of its own accord.

5. It offers video-imitated golf courses, a racetrack where customers can drive scale racecars, a movie theater where the seats roll and shake in accord with happenings on the screen.
